Academy Of Educational Planning & Management
Secondary education in Pakistan begins in grade 9 and lasts for four years. After end of each of the school years, students are required to pass a national examination administered by a regional Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education . Jean Monnet Actions Jean Monnet Actions run under Erasmus+ to support teaching, learning, research and debates on various aspects of the European Union. Nonformal And Informal Education There is a close relationship between the educational provisions of a country and its economic resources. This relationship shows up in such country-to-country comparisons as the percentages of children between the ages of 5 and 14 enrolled in school, the number who begin but soon drop out, the supply and qualifications of teachers, and so on. In all of these respects, large sections of Africa, Latin America, and parts of Asia and the Middle East are disadvantaged when compared with most of Europe and with countries such as the United States, Canada, Japan, and...